ontologis dan epistemologis
esensi, substansi dan hakikat peace
is the absence of war? damai adalah tidak ada kekerasan?
tentang perdamaian is more deeper than just politics, tetapi menyangkut
totalitas kehidupan dalam berbagai level
studi kesehatan; sistem (aktor/sel) sakit/sehat = kekerasan/perdamaian
Ada diagnosis
terhadap gejala penyakit dalam sistem (ada aktor atau sel yg tumbuh diluar
keseimbangan/proposisià ada prognosis (sesuai konteks dan
kondisi, apakah sistem yang diindikasi sakit bisa menyembuhkan diri sendiri?)à therapy (pengobatan) upaya
sengaja menyembuhkan(baik dengan intervensi atau tidak).
Terapi bisa
bersifat kuratif (dlm sistem yg tdk stabil)atau preventif (dlm sistem yg
Scope :
— The scope of peace studies involves
learning theories of conflict and processes of conflict resolution, preventions
etc, and also incorporates countless other academic disciplines from
psychology, politics and sociology to economics and international relations.
— Peace studies programs are
interdiciplinary and seek to broaden the study of international security to
include social and economic factors.
— Broadening Focus: In IR, peace
studies seeks to shift the focus not only connects war an peace in inter-state
level but also individual, domestic and global levels of analysis
peace and positive peace :
— Negative peace refers to practices such as
peacekeeping—activities that take place in a post-war situation like monitoring
peace processes and helping former foes implement their peace agreements.
— Positive peace refers to a peace that resolves the
underlying reasons for war-peace that is not just a cease-fire but a
transformation of relationships. Positive peace refers to peace building
and peace making activities—strengthening societies so that structures and
systems are in place to make violent conflict less likely
— Under positive peace, not only do
state armies stop fighting each other, but they stop forming death squads
against internal protest, see broad social and economic issues, human right and
structural violence ( North-South disparity)
studi perdamaian :
- Kajian Keilmuan
- Kajian Penelitian
- Gerakan Perdamaian
— Immanuel Kant (1724-1804):
“perpetual peace” required the transformation of individual consciousness,
republican constitutionalism, &contract between states to abolish war
— In To Perpetual Peace, Kant argues
that the emergence of republican states (representative democracies) is crucial
for realizing peace: "[IfJ a powerful and enlightened people should form a
republic ... , it will provide a focal point for a federal association among
other nations that will join it in order to guarantee a state of peace among
nations ... , and through several associations of this sort such a
federation can extend further and further
— Kant's view that democracy is a
crucial contributing factor to international peace
— Hugo Grotius (1583-1645):human
beings possess reason, goodness, sociability, and the ability to learn and
improve. Ex: international law
— Refleksi moralnya tercermin dari
beberapa pandangan idealist Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, dan
David Lloyd George, dalam fenomena WWI (6 jt tentara mati sedang 2 jt lainnya
— Penghargaan terhadap kemanusiaan
mendasari dibentuknya LBB 1919, setelah itu mulai berkembang studi perdamaian
oleh akademisi sosial dan politik
— 1908, 1920, 1930-: Mohandas
Karamchand GANDHI dgn banyak ide dan praktek nirkekerasan (NK) di India melawan
British; gagasan satyagraha, dan aksi langsung NK sangat berpengaruh.
— Alfred H. FRIED dari Austria,
pemenang Nobel Perdamaian (1911)merintis studi-studi perdamaian yang ilmiah dan
rasional (tidak berdasarkan argumen-argumen agama)
— Tahun 1956, Lewis COSER
mempopulerkan Simmel lewat The Functions of Social Conflict, karya yang
belakangan, di tahun 1960-an dan dengan latar Perang Vietnam, menjadi
— 1930-an: Pitirim Sorokin di
Universitas Harvard mengkaji perang sejak zaman Yunani dan Romawi, dan
mengawali studi tentang perang sebagai fenomena sosial; gagasan tentang
dinamika sosial dan budaya di balik perang dan damai, dalam karyanya Social
and Cultural Dynamics (1937)
— 1940-an: di Eropa ada David Mitrany dengan
Fungsionalisme sebagai mekanisme penyelesaian konflik regional.
— Karl Deutsch mengawali berbagai studi
tentang teori integrasi regional, komunikasi dan nasionalisme, dan masyarakat
— The origins of “peace studies”
(including conflict resolution, conflict studies, etc.) as an academic
discipline can be traced to the late 1940s, and the field has been developing
steadily since then
— its development as a relatively
organised and coherent group of scholars began in Stanford and Michigan in the
mid-1950s (Conflict Research) and then at the Peace Research Institute in
Oslo a few years later (Peace Research). French Institut Français de
Polemologie, established in Paris as early as 1945, and the Lancaster Peace
Research Centre (later the Richardson Institute), which was created at the
University of Lancaster in 1959.
Kajian penelitian dan kelembagaan:
— Aktifitas dan riset Perdamaian à sbg basis pengetahuan ilmiah untuk
gerakan-gerakan anti perang di AS.
— French Institut Français de Polemologie, established in Paris as early
as 1945 and Polemologi Institute in Groningen University , Dutch. Stanford and Michigan in the mid-1950s
(Conflict Research) and then at the Peace
Research Institute in Oslo a few years later (Peace Research). and the
Lancaster Peace Research Centre (later the Richardson Institute), which was
created at the University of Lancaster in 1959.
— 1960-an à SIPRI di Swedia yg menekankan perdamaian negatif, perlombaan dan
perlucutan senjata, dan persoalan-persoalan keamanan internasional.
— Leonard DOOB dan Bill FOLTZ, dr Universitas Yale, mempopulerkan
pendekatan Workshops utk mendamaikan pihak2 yang bertikai, dgn menerapkanya di
— Di London (University College), John BURTON memperkenalkan Problem
Solving Workshops, termasuk yg melibatkan Indonesia, Malaysia, dan dalam
kasus Konfrontasi.
— Burton berperan besar membentuk pusat-pusat studi perdamaian dan konflik
di universitas Kent, Maryland, George Mason, dll.
— Awal 1950an hingga 1960an dimulai pengembangan kajian tentang perdamaian
dgn fokus pada penciptaan kerangka penelitian, pembentukan konsep-konsep
khusus, dan berbagai macam bentuk forum diskusi dan jurnal ilmiah.
— 1959: Johan GALTUNG mendirikan PRIO(Peace Research Institut Oslo) di
Norwegia. Galtung memperkenalkan banyak konsep berpengaruh,
seperti konflik asimetris dan teori struktural konflik. Tahun 1964 PRIO menerbitkan JPS dan kemudian Bulletin of Peace
Proposals (sudah ganti nama menjadi Security Dialogue). Di
Lancaster, Inggris, berdiri Richardson Peace Research Center, dan di Kanada
Hannah Newcombe membentuk Peace Research Institute di Dundas.
Gerakan perdamaian:
— Anti perang Vietnam
— Muncul klpk yg dikenal sbg hippies. Mereka adlh pemuda2 Amerika
dan Eropa yg mnentang perang dan establishment.
— Fokus mereka adlh turning in to their inner minds (dengan atau
tanpa narkoba dan meditasi2 mistik) guna membentuk gaya hidup baru yg tdk mainstream.
— Era ini gerakan antiperang Amerika dan Eropa terjembatani, a.l mll
bintang2 Amerika ex: the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Joan Baez, etc
and Scope of the Peace Study:
— To start with, two compatible definitions of peace by Johan Galtung
— Peace is the absence/reduction of
violence of all kinds.
— Peace is nonviolent and creative
conflict transformation.
àFor both definitions
the following holds:
— Peace work is work to reduce
violence by peaceful means.
— Peace studies is the study of the
conditions of peace work.
semangat menulis kak :D hehe...
BalasHapusmaksude piye bro. luwih cakep nek mbok elaborasi maning. :D